Notice: 3331 Arts Chiyoda will close on March 31, 2023; AIR 3331 will continue to operate as an artist-in-residence.
AIR 3331 is currently accepting applications for residencies starting on April 1, 2023 and on. Apply here >>>


Daniela Tagowska

Daniela Tagowska

Residence Period: 2022.06.01-2022.06.24

Daniela Tagowska

Image: Daniela Tagowska, Herbarium, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 150 cm

Residence Plan
During my month-long stay, I intend to carry out artistic research and produce a series of drawing and painting works relating to the interrelationship between sport and modernism. The works will be based on the urban open air in locations such as Komazawa Olympic Park. The second group of works will refer to the architecture of the human body under exertion. The set will be complemented by small pictograms, referring to the graphic design heritage of Tokyo 1964.

Artist Profile
1) "Coordinate system: Jurkiewicz | Pintal | Michałowska | Tagowska" exhibition as a homage to Wroclaw's avant-garde artists - Zdzislaw Jurkiewicz and Maria Michałowska, Mieszkanie Gepperta Gallery, Wrocław (Poland), 2021
2) "Gymnocide" solo exhibition closing the doctoral proceedings, The E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław (Poland), 2021
3) "Power Games", group show, HIGURE 17-15 CAS Gallery, Tokyo (Japan), 2019

Base of Activity: Wrocław, Poland
Media Used: intermedia

An intermedia artist, working at the interface of the word and image. She explores sport, examining its biological and psychological dimensions.
For the last few years, she has been continually returning to Japan, where she soaks up experience, especially in places merging traditional thinking with the culture of the West. She pursues the trail of the Meiji era and the coarse ambience of the 1980's techno revolution.

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